Super Ale Bros. Redux


Welcome to Super Ale Bros. Redux, a heavily modified ASM hack of Super Mario Bros.

This hack features:

    Backwards scrolling.
    On/Off blocks.
    32 main levels + 4 kaizo levels, totaling 9 worlds.
    Shell grabbing.
    Themed worlds.
    A pause menu.
    Shell-block interactions.
    Console compatible.
    And more! 

Do note that there are no sub-levels in this hack (none of the pipes are enterable/existence of vine blocks), but otherwise it represents what could be known as the new generation of SMB Hacking.


AleFunky - Levels, ASM Programming
Brette - Secret World
Lucas - Title Screen Graphics
ShemonMonk & Studs - Special Thanks

Hack information

Released by: alefunky
Tags: hack, long, puzzle, graphics, gimmick
Uploaded: 2024-08-10 14:14:18
Modified: 2024-12-28 15:04:44
Downloads: 17

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