Super Mario Bros.: Altered Edition


Note: Originally released on RHDN on September 13, 2021, latest version (1.0.1) originally released later the same day.

This hack changes some stuff in the original game. It fixes a bug, some oddities, makes a gameplay change, changes a few graphics and adds animation to some things.

The ROM will be expanded to 160 KB, and the mapper will be changed to 1 (MMC1), as this hack uses an animation patch.


Level editing, title screen and graphics editing by Green Jerry
Underground ground tile from Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Animated water/lava graphics from Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
Animated flag graphics by LeanneTM
Animated coin graphics by LooneyDude
MMC1 animation patch by Chacky
Title screen demo with sounds patch by Eden GT
Lives counter fix patch by sjk-e351
Spiny Egg fix patch by GoldS
Change direction in midair patch by SpiderDave
SMB3 powerdown patch by w7n
Tools used: SMB Utility, SMB Title Screen Editor, YY-CHR and WindHex32

Hack information

Released by: green_jerry
Tags: hack, graphics
Uploaded: 2024-08-21 22:38:23
Modified: 2024-08-21 22:38:23
Downloads: 61

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