リレー用パッチ/ RelayMario's Base


Published on May 2007.  Ver1.04.

Back when Maikami was hosting "THE RELAY" hack project, he wanted to make a base that would benefit all participants– hence comes this improved level format that displays more flexibility than the usual format! This ROM is non-expanded, and please take note that only SMB Utility accepts this patched file (will be rejected by GreatED, in other words).

In fact, we weren't even sure if such a base existed in the first place, as records show nothing about the patch, merely being implied. But we were able to restore this hack recently from private archives!

Overview: (translated)

 A patch that mainly increases the number of object types that can be placed.
 As a side effect, objects with a length of 9 or more can no longer be used.
 The number of patterns of objects in a row has been increased.
Added objects:
 1. Instant death spikes (except for under an invincibility state)
 2. Fake spikes (background objects)
 3. Marked hidden blocks

Object placement
    03: Hidden block (coin)
 10-17: Enterable pipes
 18-1F: Non-enterable pipes
 20-27: Athletic platform
 28-2F: Horizontal hidden blocks
 30-37: Horizontal upward-pointing spikes
 38-3F: Horizontal downward-facing spikes
 40-47: Horizontal unbreakable blocks
 48-4F: Horizontal aligned brick blocks
 50-57: Horizontal coins
 58-5F: vertically aligned hidden blocks
 60-67: vertically aligned leftward spikes
 68-6F: Vertically aligned rightward spikes
 70-77: vertically aligned unbreakable blocks
 78-7F: Vertically aligned brick blocks

Background changes
 "Over water" → false background spikes


Author by Maikami.

Hack information

Released by: Eden GT
Tags: patch
Uploaded: 2024-12-23 23:14:56
Modified: 2024-12-23 23:19:24
Downloads: 28

Any hacking question or problem?

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