A Hack that was made for GoogieToons as a way to make him well known for his great work in the Romhacking community. In this SMB1 Rom Hack join Googie as he embarks on a weird and crazy adventure in a strange new world filled with strange new enemies. Peach has been kidnapped again but not by Bowser, no it’s non other than Bowsette herself, help our brave hero Googie give her the boot and save Princess Peach to restore peace once and for all. Hope you all enjoy this SMB1 Hack.
GoogieToons-Creator of the main character Googie and GFX Retro Master HD-Creator of a few other GFX and enemy sprites Kazufox-Bowsette sprite NesInvent-Creator of a few GFX from Super Mario Bros. Enhance Flamepanther-Creator of Mushroom and Tree GFX No Body-Creator Hammer Ninja Bros sprites