Reimu Vs. Bowsette Retro HD And Googie Edition


Play through 8 worlds in this wonderous Hack as Reimu with some GFX made by both Retro HD and GoogieToons and give Bowsette the boot and save Princess Toadstool.


GoogieToons-Some GFX, Toad sprite and other sprites
Retro Master HD-Few GFX, sprites and original Romhacking
Nesinvent-Koopa Troopa sprites and a few GFX
Flampanther-Goomba sprites
Kazufox-Bowsette sprite
Hartflip0218-Reimu Hakurei sprite
Acmlm-Item box GFX

Hack information

Released by: retromasterhd
Tags: hack, music, graphics
Uploaded: 2024-12-02 21:53:28
Modified: 2024-12-02 21:53:28
Downloads: 21

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