We wish you a merry...

Posted on 2024-12-24

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from SMB Arena! Who knows what will happen in store for the forthcoming year... But wait, a gift from Kakushidama, one of the former participants from the famous THE RELAY hack that Eden was able to get in contact with recently, have been able to present a few restored patches, some of which will be uploaded to the site shortly! (link to lost/missing SMB1 hacks).

Let's pay attention to one of them, RelayMario's Base, which provides a level format designed for SMB Utility with slightly more flexibility than the default level format! Check out the description of the hack for more details.

We might be planning a JAM for next year once we have gathered and released more resources... Keep an eye out! We would also like to thank jroweboy for the newest Ko-Fi donation on site support!

A tiled level format support is also planned to be introduced into studio-base soon as well...

Thank you to the people who help us stay online with support on Ko-Fi.
AleFunky, Simplistic6502, Alp, Jroweboy

Any hacking question or problem?

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